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CSS Gradients: 8 Examples of Usage

This article covers the examples of usage of the linear-gradient() function, including gradient borders, icons, buttons, text, underlining, list bullets, and a shimmering background.

CSS Gradients: 8 Examples of Usage


  1. Gradient Border
  2. Gradient Icon
  3. Gradient Button
  4. Animated Gradient Button
  5. Gradient Text
  6. Gradient Underlining
  7. Gradient List Bullets
  8. Shimmering Gradient Background

Linear-gradient() is one of the functions that allow displaying smooth transitions between two or more colors. To create a linear gradient you must define a direction (to right / to left /  to top / to bottom / to bottom right) and at least two color stops. For example:

background-image: linear-gradient(to right, blue, pink);

Instead of the direction, you can specify an angle, for example:

background-image: linear-gradient(-90deg, blue, pink);

You can use the Webgradients.com website to find ready-to-use CSS gradient backgrounds with CSS code.

Gradient Border

Gradient Border

To create a gradient border, set a linear gradient background, position the background relative to the border box with the background-origin: border-box; property, and set the limits of extending the background with the background-clip property.

.gradient-border {
  width: 400px;
  height: 100px;
  border: double 8px transparent;
  border-radius: 80px;
  background-image: linear-gradient(white, white), radial-gradient(circle at top left, #f69ec4,#32557f);
  background-origin: border-box;
  background-clip: content-box, border-box;

Gradient Icon

Gradient Icon

Here is an example of creating a gradient icon with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image. First, add an SVG element in your HTML page. It should define a <linearGradient/>:

<svg class="gradient-icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 15 15">
    <path d="M7.5,0.5c3.9,0,7,3.1,7,7c0,3.9-3.1,7-7,7c-3.9,0-7-3.1-7-7l0,0C0.5,3.6,3.6,0.5,7.5,0.5 C7.5,0.5,7.5,0.5,7.5,0.5L7.5,0.5L7.5,0.5z M6.1,4.7v5.6l4.2-2.8L6.1,4.7z" />
    <linearGradient id="icon" x2="1" y2="1">
        <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#f69ec4" />
        <stop offset="50%" stop-color="#7eb4e2" />
        <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#32557f" />

You can then use this gradient in your CSS:

.gradient-icon {
  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;
  fill: url(#icon) #447799;

Gradient Button

Gradient Button

To create a gradient button, simply use the linear-gradient() function to define its background. You can then add an image to a pseudo-element.

button {
  user-select: none;
  outline: none;
  border: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  border-radius: 10px;

  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  position: relative;
  background-position: 100px 100px;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background: linear-gradient(to left, #f69ec4 0%, #32557f 100%);

  &:before {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 10px; left: 10px;
    width: 80px; height: 80px;
    background: url(img/search.png) no-repeat;

Animated Gradient Button

Animated gradient button

You can also design a button with gradient background changing on hover, thus creating an animated effect. Here's n example (inspired by the button on the Asellion.com website):

<a href="" class="btn">Join now </a>
a {
  text-decoration: none;

.btn {
  font-family: 'Quicksand';
  font-weight: bold;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  padding: 20px 40px;
  color: #FFF;
  border-radius: 24% 76% 29% 71% / 33% 40% 60% 67%;
  line-height: 40px;
  position: relative;
  font-size: 18px;
  overflow: hidden;
  display: inline-block;
  border: 0;
  background: transparent;
  z-index: 1;

.btn::before {
  position: absolute;
  content: '';
  display: inline-block;
  background: #3bade3;
  background: linear-gradient(100deg, #FFADD2 0%, #FF41BE 20%, #AF8BFF 45%, #691EFF 70%, #1EAAFF 90%);
  height: 100px;
  width: 400%;
  z-index: -1;
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  transition: transform 200ms ease-in;
  top: 0; 

.btn:hover::before {
  transform: translateX(-25%); 

See more examples of CSS buttons.

Gradient Text

Gradient Text

The background-clip: text; property allows the background to be clipped to the foreground text. The text-fill-color: transparent; property makes the characters of text transparent. And the background itself is set with the background: linear-gradient(); property.

.gradient-text {
  font-size: 100px;
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f69ec4 0%, #32557f 100%);
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -moz-background-clip: text;
  background-clip: text;

Gradient Underlining

Gradient Underlining

This example uses the CSS rules for the text from the previous example. To create a gradient underlining, set the background linear gradient, position and size, and repeat it horizontally (repeat-x).

.gradient-text span {
  background: linear-gradient(to left, #f69ec4 0%, #32557f 100%);
  background-position: 0 100%;
  background-size: 100% 6px;
  background-repeat: repeat-x;

Gradient List Bullets

Gradient List Bullets

To create gradient list bullets, simply apply the linear-gradient() function to the <li> elements of your list.

ul li {
  list-style-type: none;
  margin-bottom: 15px;
  background: linear-gradient(45deg, #f69ec4, #32557f);
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
  border-radius: 50%;

  span {
    margin-left: 30px;

See more example of CSS list markers.

Shimmering Gradient Background

With CSS gradients, you can even create animated shimmering effects. Here is an example:

See more examples of CSS backgrounds.